Conscientious Objectors and Non-Registrants for the Draft
July 1980

The Religious Society of Friends for over 300 years has held deep religious beliefs regarding war, participation in any war effort, and any preparation for war.  Mount Toby Meeting of Friends reaffirms these convictions.  At the same time, we recognize the right of conscience of those who choose to accept or reject our views.  The spirit of peace and goodwill to which we are called requires us to condemn the reordering of the war measures of registration and draft, which are preliminary to conscription and war training of young people to inflict injury, pain, misery, and death on others and to believe that such behavior is right.  We honor and support those whos religious and ethical convictions lead them to take a stand as conscientious objecors or as non-registrants to the draft.  We recognize both courses of action to be positive and important contributions to peace in the world.