Peace and Social Concerns Committee, 12/4/2017
Present: Dan G, Ka R, Beth A, Diane C, Jane J, Roger C, Ken H, Jean L, Frank K, David A.
We began with a time of silent reflection.
1. Ken proposed that we approve, for the “Friends Concerns: Other Organizations” part of the MtToby budget, Friends of Kakamega ( He spoke of its operations and Quaker connections, and we heartily approved. Dan will contact the Clerk to get in on the agenda for MfB. In the meeting for business, Ken will present it.
2. Dan read a draft letter supporting our request that the Resistance Center for Peace and Justice. It needed a minor change (“local organizations” not “FC:OO”) after which we approved it for forwarding to the Clerk. Dan will send the amended version to the Clerk.
3. Airlie Rose sent a suggestion for letter writing in opposition to the border wall at the Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge. We agreed that this would be an appropriate letter writing item. We will ask Airlie to manage it on a date of her choice (the 3rd Sunday of December may not be great since the space will be busy with the Christmas craft fair) and we will offer to help her with paper and so forth.
4. Frank brought up the significant amount of funds needed to support the family of Lucio. We felt strongly supportive. Contributions could be sent to Don into a fund he could send to the First Congregational Church. It was agreed that Roger at the ISG meeting on Thursday will ask how our P&SC could be helpful in publicity, fundraising, etc in a way that does not appear to “undercut” the ISG.
5. Frank spoke of events at Human Rights Day and will provide information for Dan to take to Nancy Slator for her announcements emails.
6. Ka mentioned several immigrants from El Salvador and Puerto Rico who are currently in Northampton and may need support or help in resettlement in the future. She may put some information out about this on the MTPSC listserv.
7. David A told of the evolution of two groups which formed as a consequence of a recent meeting, and effort by Physicians for Social Responsibility supporting a treaty, and one by Ira Helfand, supporting a legislative effort to rule out a Presidential “first button” catastrophe. Both organizations have the goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons. We were supportive of David’s involvement and of these groups, and we encouraged David to bring us more information to act on, for example the action of Northampton Meeting. This led to a very intriguing discussion which we hope can be continued.
8. Mary Link sent a notice about a Quaker traveling with a concern about Uganda’s treatment of LGBTQ people who need Friends Ugandan Safe Transport Fund, a project of Olympia WA meeting. Mary Ellen, Dorie, and Mary have expressed interest in having a gathering at MtToby. We will support such a meeting if those three can organize it.
9. The committee agreed to support Beth’s travel to the January conference in January, to close US foreign bases, by giving her $100.
We closed with a time of silence.