Peace and Social Concerns Committee, May 1, 2017

Present: Dan G, Connie B, George M, Roger C, Diane C, Ka R, Jan H

1.Jan spoke about Right Sharing of World Resources, telling of its history and how it works in India, Kenya, and Sierra Leone, and also how it testifies to those in this country about the burden of possessions. Dan expressed reservations about the organization because of its policy of making grants only to women’s groups, which led to a conversation about priorities and values. We will recommend RSWR for inclusion in the Friends Concerns: Other Organizations part of Mount Toby’s budget while noting that in our committee there is some discomfort about it. Roger will contact the Clerk to do this.

2.The proposal to give the $2000 to Katherine Golub was discussed at some length, withdrawing the term “Leading” since it has Quaker overtones we had not intended.  Other modifications in the draft letter were suggested (see attached version.) We have not decided who will speak in the meeting for business on our behalf for this proposal.  Dan will do so unless he finds a more appropriate presenter.

3.We agreed to cosponsor the Nonviolent Peaceforce talk at Northampton Friends Meeting on May 8 and Roger will tell Anne Moore this decision.

4.Ka and Connie were nominated as our FCNL representatives, and Dan will notify Ann so this nomination can be put on the agenda for meeting for business.  Once confirmed, Ka and Connie will contact FCNL become listed as our liaisons.

5.Ka notified us that is a new organization connecting people here with refugees abroad, a way to support individual families. Ka told of it and was encouraged to write a newsletter article about the organization.

6.Ka will contact Beth to see if she has a topic for letter writing in May. If she does, Beth will take the day, or otherwise Ka will take letter writing, on the topic of incarceration.

7.Dan will announce Virginia Holmes’ presentation on May 31.  Roger will bring a projector that evening. Dan will ask Virginia to make a poster or flyer for the talk.

8.We will not forward the proposal about timely action for action in meeting for business at this time.  Roger will send the proposal to the newsletter and will solicit comments on it.

The meeting concluded as it had begun, with a time of silence.