and Social Concerns Committee minutes, 1/4/2016
Present: Jane J (clerking), George M, Carol L, Ka R,
Diane C, Roger C, Frank G, Daniel G.
We began with a time of silence.
1. Roger will put Ka on the email distribution list.
2. Diane will clerk our meeting on February 1.
3. Daniel will handle letter writing on February 14.
Roger will do it on January 10.
4. The interfaith calendar brought to us by Frank
was brought up again, and he will take last month’s proposal to the Clerk
again, with a proposal for locating it in the Fellowship Room.
5. Ka and Jane, and possibly others, are planning to
attend the refugee meeting on January 9 and will tell us what they learn there.
6. Our recommendation last month on the Muslim statement
was approved, and Andy sent it to the media, where it appeared in at least
three papers.
7. We have been asked to endorse a “Faith Letter to
Attorney General Loretta Lynch” asking for a federal prosecutor to investigate
the case of Tamir Rice. We did not find that we could endorse the
letter as currently written. Ruth H has
offered to work on a letter on essentially the same subject, which we could use,
perhaps on one of our letter writing days.
Frank offered to help Ruth with that.
We expect a candidate letter to come to our February 1 meeting.
8. The pipeline: Carol attended a meeting on how to
become an Intervener on the proposed Kinder-Morgan pipeline and she told us
what she had learned there. The
description of how to become an Intervener which Carol wrote up will be sent to
the listserv by Carol ASAP, or by Roger if necessary. Note: to send something to the listserv,
just send it as email to
9. The Pipeline statement sent by us to the Meeting
in December was not approved because of some reservations, some of which were
sent to us by Will S. Among ourselves we discovered we were not in unity on
some of the assumptions in the Pipeline statement and we spent some time in
discussing these. The issues are complex, and there are conflicts between
values involved. Andy has offered to
work with us to have a threshing session on these issues, perhaps to be held
during the 9am Sunday time. We came to agree
that a conversation among our community on these issues may be more important
than agreeing to a statement soon and issuing it to the papers, etc. We will report to the meeting for business
that we cannot bring back a revised report, but we will work with the Clerk to
arrange a threshing session on issues raised.
10. We closed with a
time of silence.