Peace and Social Concerns Committee meeting, May 18, 2015
Present: Susan C, Beth A, Carol L, Adele S, Roger C, Chris M, Dave G, Dan G.
We began with a time of silence.
1.We considered the “Friends Concerns: Other Organizations” issue by reviewing the criteria which have been used in the past: (1) Quaker organizations, or (2) allied organizations in which MtToby Friends are involved, and implicitly understood to be carrying out work consistent with Friends principles. We felt comfortable with the criteria. Carol offered to print out the criteria from our 10/1/2007 minutes for posting on our bulletin board or some other place.
Minute 8a of the 11/11/07 meeting for business summarizes our committee’s proposal this way: “ (1) Each group within the Friends’ Concerns portion of our budget should be represented by an advocate or liaison person; (2) the Committee will schedule two of these groups per month for special treatment; and (3) during the designated month, the advocate will [a] submit an article to the Newsletter describing the work of the group; [b] display information about the group on a portion of the Friends’ Concerns bulletin board; and [c] present a brief report about the group to Meeting for Business. For Friends’ Concerns that are in the “Other Organizations” category, the Committee may recommend at that time a contribution to that group. If no one is found to advocate for a particular group in the “Other Organizations” category, that group may be dropped from the budget. We accepted the report.”
We considered the Nolumbeka project (, approved it for support, and anticipated that the way may be smoothed for our presentation in the meeting for business by Beth, its advocate, talking with Friends who have questions about the organization.
Next we considered the Nonviolent Peace Force ( and agreed to support it also, with Roger acting as its advocate.
2. Letter writing in June will take place on June 21: Carol will take charge, or Roger if Carol cannot.
3.The last question remaining about the concert series has been answered, since Annie said that the insurance Peter and Annie have will cover their equipment stored in the meetinghouse.
4. Dan reported that the Not Bread Alone service project, helping with food at the First Congregational Church in Amherst, 9:30-2:00, was held on the second Saturday in May, unfortunately the same time as the workday so participation was minimal. In June the service project will be on the third Saturday (June 20) to avoid conflict with the meeting retreat. Dan will put a notice into the upcoming newsletter about it.
5.Book reading project: Beth suggests starting a reading group in the fall.
6.Chris reported that the letter writing on the carbon tax/rebate issue was successful, with 38 letters written. Several groups are working hard on the proposal. He has sent information to Roger for putting on the website in the P&SC letter-writing section, where more information about the proposals in the MA legislature can be found.
7.Full moon group: Dan reported that it met, with 5 participants, and had an interesting discussion. Dan will post the time and date of the next meeting of the group to the upcoming newsletter (for which May 25 is the due date.)
8.Beth reported on several FCNL-related issues.
9.Dave commented on the importance of interfaith cooperation in matters of peace, justice, and environmental concerns. Frank G is our meeting representative to the Interfaith Opportunities Network or ION ( ) and expects to join us next month. Roger C and Alan E have been involved in Pioneer Valley Cares ( an interfaith group working on issues of climate/environment, food justice/hunger, gun violence and mass incarceration, Haiti, and homelessness.
10. Dan G agreed to clerk the June 15 meeting.
We closed with a time of silence.