Peace and Social Concerns meeting, 10/20/14

Present: Adele S, Carol L, Chris M, George M, Dan G, Susan C, Roger C, Diane C.

Adele, clerking the meeting, opened it with a time of silence.

1.  11:40 Hour on November 2: What do we hope to accomplish with the hour?  To get people thinking about the ethical basis of our economy.  The questions about gambling are complex, involving class issues (casinos for some, stock market speculation for others), the home rule issue (ballot initiative to overrule Springfield voters), insurance as betting on the future, etc.  We considered how to present and structure the hour.  It will be introduced by Carol and/or Chris, who were given latitude to structure the hour as they wish, though the initial plan is to split into several small groups which would consider the queries for 30 minutes, then return for a discussion time with all present. The queries:

(1) What do you see as gambling or financial risk-taking? Where do you experience it in your life?
(2) Where do ethical issues enter these matters of gambling and financial risk-taking?  When is a wager ethical?
(3) What is my responsibility when I see someone being hurt by gambling? 

Roger will send in an article for the newsletter and will make a notice for the door.  Adele on October 26 and Dan on November 2 will announce the 11:40.

2. Diane gave us an update on the Springfield climate march, from which she had just returned.

3. Cambodian Water Project:  We agreed to propose that the project be supported in the Friends Concerns: Other Organizations budget line.  The CWP would like to have an 11:40 hour to present its work, and Adele will suggest that Ruth take that request to the 11:40 Hour Committee.

4. Human Rights Day in Amherst: We agreed to sponsorship of this event, Saturday December 6 from 1 to 4 at the Jones Library.  Since the due date for sponsorships has been relaxed a few days for us, we will propose that the Meeting (rather than our Committee) be listed as a sponsor. Roger will communicate that to the Clerk.

5. FCNL announcement: Susan will make the announcement on October 26, though she would happily yield to another person offering.

6. Letter writing on November  9: Roger will do it.

7. Our annual film series will begin November 13.  Carol wrote a description as follows: “Peace and Social concerns will kick off its film series on November 13 with the newly released “Joanna Macy and The Great Turning,” an inspirational short film about Joanna’s work that addresses the question, “How we can face the mess we’re in without going crazy?” Joanna’s work combines Buddhism, general systems theory and deep ecology. The film will be followed by a conversation facilitated by three people recently returned form one of Joanna’s workshops, Carol Lewis, Georgeanne Greene and Susan Rice. Please join us at the meeting house, 7 PM, Thursday, November 13!” and she will invite Georganne Greene and Susan Rice to invite others if they wish.  Roger will provide the projection equipment.

8. Films: Dan (who with Roger runs the series) has a list of possible movies for our series; Susan said that Don Campbell has one too (“Enemy of the Reich.”)  Chris has a possibility.  The Prestons sent a possibity. Please forward all possibilities to Roger and Dan for consideration.

9. Music Series for Peace and  Justice: Diane looked up the legal issue of nonprofits charging admission and found that it is perfectly legal.  The handbook statement is apparently based on a misunderstanding of the law.  A proposal will be created by Diane, with specifics, and this should be vetted by committees, like us, Meetinghouse and Finance, and the Clerk.

10.We considered alternate names for the committee.  One was Peace, Justice, and Earthcare. That and other alternatives were considered without a resolution.  We will “mull it over” and consider it again at our next meeting.

11. Service projects.  Habitat? Adele will ask some Habitat offices for possibilities.  A community meal in Turners Falls with church participation involves Susan and several other Mount Toby Friends  who have taken on the responsibility six 6 Mondays per year, and Susan will put a note in the newsletter about it.  Dan will check on Amherst possibilities.  Chris suggested a pie-making.

12. Carol will Clerk our November 17 meeting.

13. We closed with a time of silence.

Issues postponed to future meetings:

Followup from items above
Somebody to oversee the bulletin board
Possibility of a committee retreat
Our budget (report: how much spent, how much remaining)